“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
– Proverbs 22:6
Give Now
Giving Initiatives
General Fund
Your gift to the general fund provides assistance to a variety of programs from technology to academic materials to facility improvements.
On the memo line write “general fund.”
On the memo line write “general fund.”
Tuition Assistance
Your gift to tuition assistance allows a student to be a part of the CCA family and benefit from a Christian education. The tuition assistance fund allows us to offer a helping hand to a family who would not otherwise be able to afford CCA. A third-party evaluation is conducted to determine the allocation of funds.
On the memo line write “tuition assistance.”
On the memo line write “tuition assistance.”
Your gift to athletics provides assistance to a variety of teams and sports programs.
On the memo line write “athletics.”
On the memo line write “athletics.”
Your gift to the library provides assistance to our library program in regards to the purchase of new books and new opportunities in the library. Reading is a vital part of student success and our library plays a huge role in providing opportunities for our students.
On the memo line write “library.”
On the memo line write “library.”
Fine Arts
Your gift to Fine Arts provides assistance to drama, art, and music programs.
On the memo line write “fine arts.”
On the memo line write “fine arts.”
PTF Volunteers
Give Back Programs
Box Tops for Education
Save “Box Tops for Education” labels that can be found on a variety of products. These are worth 10 cents each.
Please check their website www.boxtops4education.com for all qualifying products. If you register, you can purchase online from one of the listed stores and a percentage comes back to the school.
Please check their website www.boxtops4education.com for all qualifying products. If you register, you can purchase online from one of the listed stores and a percentage comes back to the school.
Office Depot
When purchasing school or office supplies, let the cashier know you are a member of the CCA family when you check out. CCA will receive 5% of your purchase amount. Our school number is 70040827. We receive gift cards to be used at Office Depot.
Banks Market Receipts
Turn in your Bans Market receipts to your child’s teacher. CCA will receive 1% of your purchase amount. Monies are used to purchase needed items for the teacher’s classroom.
Tuition Reduction Incentive Plan is a great way to reduce your tuition. Inquire in the office for information about T.R.I.P. A full explanation of this program is also located on our web page at www.ccapaducah.org/admissions.
Prairie Farms "Our Caps Your Cause"
On Prairie Farm’s white or flavored milk in gallon or half-gallon sizes, you will find a sticker located on top of each cap. Peel back the sticker to find a unique code that can be redeemed at http://www.prairiefarms.com/our-caps-your-cause.aspx. When prompted to choose an organization, select Community Christian Academy. Every cap entered will generate 5 cents for our school. After 1,000 caps are entered, we receive a check from Prairie Farms.
Coke Rewards Program
Please continue to send your Coke product bottle tops and package special codes to the office. We will input the codes from these and earn rewards.
Go to Smile.Amazon.com and register your Amazon account (same username/password). When prompted to choose an organization, select Community Christian Academy (make sure it is the one in Paducah, KY). A percentage (0.5%) of the total purchase price is donated to CCA.
The Kroger Community Rewards Program
Becoming a part of the Kroger Community Rewards Program is easy. Visit Kroger’s secure website, www.krogercommunityrewards.com, choose “Enroll,” and complete the information requested. In the space where your charitable organization is requested, type Community Christian Academy OR our assigned NPO number (81357). You are done! Within 7-10 days of enrolling, every time you shop at Kroger and use your Kroger Plus Card, CCA will be blessed.

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